Spend, Savings, and Contract Definitions Version


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Current Release Notes



This topic lists and explains the various definitions of spend in Sourcing and Contract Management. (Current as of Release 5.) Also included are definitions relevant
to contracts; e.g., activated, accepted, contract line, etc.

Spend and Savings Definitions

Spend Definition:



Accepted Contract


A contract that has been imported, and has had the accept date entered.

A contract that is accepted only has no vendor/items activated.

Contract Line


A contract line from a manufacturer that contains a manufacturer item number,
price and unit of measure.

Contract Line Matched

File items only

A contract line matched to vendor/item records;
but has not had any vendor/item records activated.

Contract Line Activated

File items only

At least one vendor/item has been activated on the contract line.
A contract may have vendor/item records matched but not activated.

Services Spend


Total invoice dollars (including purchase order invoices and manual invoices)
for a vendor entity with the Spend Type "Services."
Since the spend is for a vendor entity, the amount may represent spend
from several vendor locations.

File Spend

File items only

Spend dollars for an item that has an item number in the site’s item catalog/file record.

Non-File Spend

Non-file items only

Spend dollars for an item that is has no item number in the site’s item catalog/file record.

Matched Spend

File and non-file items

Spend dollars for a file item that matches a contract line,
but has not been accepted/activated;
Or, spend dollars for a non-file item that matches a contract line.

“Match a contract” line means matching all of these: the manufacturer item number,
UOM, and price.

Unmatched Spend

File and non-file items

Spend dollars for a file or non-file item that does not match any contract line.

Activated Spend

File items only

Spend dollars for a file item whose price has been activated on a contract line.
(Non-file items cannot be activated on contracts because they are not accessible
from the item catalog/file.)

On-Contract Spend

Activated Spend
+ Matched Spend

On-contract spend = Activated spend + Matched spend.

- When a contract line expires, all prior and subsequent spend
for the line becomes "Off-contract" spend.
- On-contract spend includes “non-contractible” spend for supplies
that are never purchased on-contracts.

Off-Contract Spend

Unmatched Spend

Off-contract spend is the total of unmatched spend dollars.
- When a file item is activated or matches a contract line, prior
and subsequent off-contract spend for the item becomes on-contract spend.  
- When a non-file item matches a contract line, off-contract spend for the item
becomes on-contract spend.  

Total Spend

Unmatched  Spend
+ Matched Spend
 + Activated Spend

+ Off-contract Spend

File Spend
+ Non-File Spend

Total Spend = Unmatched Spend + Matched Spend + Activated Spend


Total Spend = On-contract Spend + Off-contract Spend


Total Spend = File Spend + Non-File Spend

Comparable Spend

File and non-file  items over
a past period of time

Spend associated with a particular time period.

Comparable spend is provided so that you can evaluate savings
displayed for the same period.
- Comparable spend is calculated across all item purchases
during the designated time period.
- Project spend (see below)  is calculated only for items in a project.

Project Savings

File and non-file items
in a project

Savings associated with (file or non-file) project items from an awarded contract.
Savings are displayed for a selected time frame.
The items are project items; i.e., selected for inclusion in the project.

Calculated as: (Pre-AwardPrice * ComparableQty) - (ComparableSpend)

Project savings is computed for 3 years from first contract award date.

Preferred Spend

File or non-file items

Spend for any item in a project with an awarded contract.
Items on the awarded contract may replace “non-preferred” items.
("Preferred" refers to project item spend.)

Non Preferred Spend

File or non-file items

Spend for any project item that has been replaced by another item on an awarded contract.
Project items that were designated for purchase in the past,
but have been replaced are "non-preferred."

Contract Savings

File or non-file items

Savings associated with an accepted or activated contract.

On the contract, the savings may come from:
- matched file items
- activated file items
- matched non-file items.

Calculated as: (Pre-ContractPrice * ComparableQty) - (ComparableSpend)

Contract savings is computed from the contract start date or activate date
(whichever is later) until the contract end or extension date.


File or non-file items

Spend from file and non-file purchases on an imported, accepted or activated
contract where the purchase prices are higher than contract prices. 
- Spend may be from matched or activated file items and matched non-file items.

Calculated as: (Total Spend) - (ContractPrice * Qty) > 0

Overpayments are computed for the prior 24 months.

Incentive Spend

File or non-file spend
for entire contracts or
individual contract items
that have incentives.

Spend records associated with an incentive definition. Spend includes both file
and non-file matched items.
The contract does not have to be accepted, activated, or awarded.

Analysis Workbench

File or non-file spend

Includes matched and unmatched items from all imported contracts.
Accepting/activating a contract is not necessary for the contract
to be available in analysis.

The Analysis Workbench displays spend for the prior 12 months.

Item Types Included in Spend

Item Type

Spend Type




Project Savings

Contract Savings


Incentive Spend










Not Included


Not Included

Not Included

Not Included

(not accepted)

Not Included



Not Included

Not Included



Not Included







Not Included
















Not Included


Not Included

Not Included

Not Included

(not accepted)

Not Included



Not Included

Not Included



Not Included






Mapping Spend for the Same Item on Two Different Contracts

Below are how spend is mapped for an item that is on two or more different contracts.

File item spend is associated with the contract for any item on the contract purchased after the Contract Start date or after the Accept Date, whichever is later. Spend will be associated with the contract through the Contract Expiration Date.

File spend is associated with a contract using the following rules:

Non-file spend is associated with a contract using the following tie-breakers:

Vendors and Entities




A business that provides a hospital with supplies or services.  An entity may be a vendor or manufacturer. 
 entity means that the business has been defined in the application's Product Index Layer
and is available to all customers.  Typically this a national or major regional business. 
An example is Cardinal Health, Dell Computers, or United Postal Service.
A local entity is a business that is unique to a particular site, and is available just to that site.

Local Entity

A business that is defined in a customer database and is only used by a single site; 
for example, Atlanta HVAC and Plumbing; Triad Cities Rent-a-Car.


Vendors and (buy-from) locations that are active in a site's database.

"Missing" Vendors

Vendors that were created, but are deleted or are not active.
Spend for missing vendors is available from the Analysis Workbench.
You can identify and register each missing vendor, and pull its spend into the Analysis Workbench for study.


A descriptor assigned to a vendor during vendor registration that indicates where the vendor's spend
is available for analysis.

Supply: Spend is available in the supply Analysis Workbench.
Supply spend is generated from purchase orders and their associated invoices.

Services: Spend is available in shared services Analysis Workbench.
Services spend is generated from all invoices (purchase order and non-purchase orders).


A classification for a services vendor. Each services vendor is assigned a category for purposes of spend analysis. 
Examples are Insurance, Legal Services, or Travel and Car Rental.
A site can have (and usually does have) multiple vendors in a single category.

Categories are listed in an Administration table. Your site administrator can add and delete categories,
and edit any existing category's name.


The percentage or dollar value markup applied to item prices at contract activation.
Markup is used with supply contracts.

- Activation with the Activate tab: Uses vendor entity markup values.

- Activation with the Activate Items tab: Uses vendor location markup values. 

A markup set contains one or two markup values (dollar value and/or percent value).

A site may create several markup sets for a vendor location or vendor entity, and use different sets
when activating different contracts.
Markup sets are designated by letter (A, B, C, etc.).
One markup set can be flagged as default and the default set can be changed.


The process of assigning an  entity or local entity to a vendor/buy-from location or to a manufacturer.
Registering a vendor or manufacturer "cross-references' the vendor or manufacturer with an entity.

Both manufacturer and vendor entities exist in the Product Index Layer data.
Both manufacturer and vendor entities can also be created locally, residing in a site's own databases.