Importing Cleared Checks into Accounts Payable Version


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The cleared checks import clears checks automatically on import to Accounts Payable. When you run the cleared checks import, you upload a file of check information to Accounts Payable. The import file is in a comma-separated (.csv) format. The file contains a header, and for each check, a row of details. The system processes each successfully uploaded file to generate the individual check lines. The import process creates a record for each line, except for the first line. You can import checks, or you can run an import job manually.

In order to import cleared checks, you must have your banks and bank accounts set up in the application. If critical information is missing or incorrect, import errors can occur, as described below.

When a check is successfully imported and cleared, the Payments list shows the value of the following fields:

Cleared - Yes
Cleared Date - the cleared date from the import
Cleared Amt - the dollar amount cleared from the import.


Your assigned role's "Bank" security object must be set to View or higher for you to import cleared checks.

The Cleared Check Import Process

When you upload a check information file, the system performs these steps:

  1. Validates the file - The application verifies that the file contains check information and determines if the file format is correct.

  2. Reads the file - The application reads the file.  

  3. Processes the file to generate individual check lines. 

If any step cannot be completed because of errors, the errors are logged.

To create and edit the .csv file

  1. Generate a .csv export file using a utility, or create the file manually. The file name must be unique.
  1. Open the comma-separated file that you made in the previous step and edit it so that the format is correct. The format must contain the fields as shown in this example. Field sizes are described in this table.

    Click example to see an example of a .csv file that contains three checks:


  1. If your file was generated automatically, you will need to add the final line containing "EOF".
  2. <EOF>

To import check files:

  1. From the Accounts Payable main Contents, select Imports/Exports > Clear Checks Import. The Cleared Checks Import list appears (Figure 1). The list contains check files that have been uploaded.

Figure 1 - Cleared Checks Import List

  1. Click New. The Import panel appears (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Import Cleared Checks

  1. Enter the file that you wish to import in the File to Upload field. 
  1. At this step, you have a choice. You can work through the import process in two stages or in one stage. For new users of this feature, we recommend the two-stage approach. 
  1. Review the Import List entry for your file. The following fields provide useful status data:

Import Status Desc - The successful or unsuccessful status of the import process.

Incomplete: The .csv file could not be read or validated. (Check for errors.)

Ready for Processing: If you have used a two-stage upload, the file is ready for the second step. 

Processed - The number of data records processed out of the total uploaded. This number shows how many of the import file records successfully generated check lines. 

n of X: X is the number of records uploaded and n is the number of records processed.

For a one-stage upload, this field indicates whether the system was able to generate check lines using the imported file's records, and, if so, how many. 0 of X means that the system was not able to generate check lines using the imported file's records. Click Menu > View Import Details. The Import Details list appears, and you can review your data for errors.

 For a two-stage upload, 0 of X is normal.

To complete processing of your import file:

If you are using the one-stage approach, the system has run the import step for you. You can review any errors, and begin fixing any problems.

If you are using the two-stage approach, you need to process the  file that you uploaded. Do the following: 

  1. From the main Contents, select Imports/Exports > Clear Checks Import. The Cleared Checks Imports list appears.
  2. Locate the file that you wish to process.
  3. Click Menu > ReProcess the system asks you to verify that you wish to reprocess the file. 
  4. Click Submit

To debug your import file:

You can encounter errors at any or all of the stages of cleared checks file import. Error messages provide information about problems with the .csv file. In most cases, you will wish to alter your .csv file. 

At the validation and reading stages:

  1. Check that the file name and path are correct.
  2. Make sure that the import file is a .csv file. 
  3. Verify that your file has the header line.
  4. Check that you have included lines containing the correct column names, in the correct order, and that none are missing.
  5. Check that the correct number of fields are in the import file for each record.
  6. Check that the file contains <EOF> on the last line.

At the processing stage:

When you select Menu > ReProcess, the system attempts to create check lines using the imported file. The number of checks successfully created appears on the Import list, and errors in processing each record are logged. To see the errors:

  1. Click Menu > View Import Details. The check lines appear. 
  2. Review the Processed field for each check to determine which have errors. Yes indicates that the check line was successfully created. If the field is empty, a check line could not be generated from the import file.
  3. Click View Errors to get a list of the problems with the check. In most cases, you will want to go back to the .csv file, correct the data, and re-import the file.

Import Errors

The following errors can occur if you have not included critical information in your records: