Importing Transactions and Invoices into Global's AS400 GL and AP Systems Version


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Once you have created an export file for your GL transactions or AP invoices and downloaded it to your organization's network, you can import it into your accounting systems.  This topic outlines procedures to bring downloaded transaction and invoice files into Global Software's AS 400 accounting system. Instructions are also included for running several reports and for an optional procedure to generate a chase file for GL transactions.

If you are importing files to Global Software systems on the AS 400, first read Export Files to External Applications, then return here for the import instructions.

To import downloaded GL transactions to the AS 400 General Ledger system:

This procedure outlines the manual process for importing journal vouchers. We recommend this method if you import  journal vouchers no more than once a day. More frequent importing of journal vouchers is more efficient if you use an automatic job. Notes on how to run the job automatically are included at the end.

  1. On the function line of any Global Software AS 400 menu, type 


  1. Press Enter. The IMPORTGL job will start to run. Wait for the job to complete.
  2. After the job completes, do the following:

- The journal voucher number is:


where XXXXX is the Transmission ID, padded in front with enough zeros to make 5 digits. For example, the journal voucher number for Transmission ID 1 would be MM00001.

- The journal voucher period and year are the Accounting Year and Period selected when the GL Export file was created in Supply Chain.

- The journal voucher status is: Entered.

  1. Validate and post the imported journal voucher.

Notes on importing journal vouchers automatically

If you want journal vouchers automatically imported to the General Ledger, start the job by typing MM_IMPORT on the function line of any menu. The MM_IMPORT job performs these activities:

Journal vouchers imported to the General Ledger using the monitor job will still need to be validated and posted.

Reports Generated by the IMPORTGL Process

You can access three reports created by the IMPORTGL process. (See the instructions for running the IMPORTGL reports.) The reports are:

The BLDGLIMP report shows how many records were read and written by the program. The records read and written should be different by 2.

The BLDJVS report displays the lines for the journal voucher that was created. At the bottom of the report you will also see total debits, total credits, difference, records read, header writes and details writes. The records read on the BLDJVS report should equal the records read on the BLDGLIMP report. If you export a GL Export from Supply Chain and try import it to the AS 400 General Ledger more than once, the BLDJVS report will show DUPLICATE IMPORT in the description column.

The Imp Subl report is the Sub-ledger Import Report. This report shows how many journal vouchers were imported to the General Ledger.

To get IMPORTGL Reports:

  1. On the AS400, go to Work with Submitted Jobs. Position the cursor to job IMPORTGL.
  2. Execute Option 8, Work with Spooled Files, to view the reports generated by the import job.

To import downloaded AP invoices to the AS 400 Accounts Payable system:

This procedure outlines the manual process for importing invoices. We recommend this method if you import invoices no more than once a day. More frequent importing of invoices is more efficient if you use an automatic job. Notes on how to run the job automatically are included at the end.

  1. On the function line of any Global Software AS 400 menu, type


  1. Click Enter. The IMPORTAP job will start to run. Wait for the job to complete. After the job completes, go to the APINVOICE (Invoice Processing) menu and select Option 5, Work with Invoice Groups.
  2. Position the cursor to the Invoice Group. The Invoice Group number is:

    MMX (where X  is the Transmission ID.) 

    Note: X is not the Export No.

  3. Verify the following:
  1. Invoices with invalid account numbers or that are duplicates (based on Accounts Payable duplicate invoice settings) will not import. To modify an invoice that did not import so that it will import, do the following:
  1. Imported invoices will need to be posted to the General Ledger, just like invoices keyed directly into Accounts Payable. Post the invoices by using Create GL Transactions on the APPERD (Period Activities) menu.

To import invoices automatically:

If you want invoices automatically imported to Accounts Payable, start the job by typing MM_IMPORT on the function line of any menu. The MM_IMPORT job performs these activities:

Reports generated by the IMPORTAP process

You can access three reports created by the IMPORTAP process. (See the instructions for running the IMPORTAP reports.) The reports are:

The BLDAPIMP report shows how many records were read and written by the program. The records read and written should be different by 2.

The BLDINV report displays the invoices that were created. At the bottom of the report you will see batch total, run total, records read, header writes and details writes. The Batch Total equals the number of invoices exported from Supply Chain.  The records read on the BLDINV report should equal the records read on the BLDAPIMP report. If you export an Invoice Export from Supply Chain and try importing it to the AS400 General Ledger more than once, the BLDINV report will show DUPLICATE IMPORT: TRANSFER ID # X (where X = Transmission ID).

The Import Inv report is the Import Invoices Audit Report. This report shows total invoices processed and imported to Accounts Payable.

To get IMPORTAP reports:

  1. On the AS400, go to Work with Submitted Jobs. Position the cursor to job IMPORTAP.
  2. Select Option 8, Work with Spooled Files, to view the reports generated by the import job.

To generate an Excel file for Journal Voucher File Details:

  1. Make a copy of the GL export file that was downloaded from Supply Chain to your network.

X//ImportExport/Export/GL/Old where X is the name of your hospital's network server.

GLExportX.csv where X is the Transmission ID.)

  1. Start Excel and open the file:

GLExportX.csv (where X is the Transmission ID.)

This is the detail for the journal voucher created using the IMPORTGL routine. During the import to the General Ledger, the journal voucher is summarized by account number.

    Note: In the Open window you will need to display All Files (*.*) in the Files of type: field.

  1. Sort and subtotal the detail file to match the AS 400 journal voucher.

- Left click on the TransactionAmount column to select it. - Right click and use the drop down menu to insert a new column.  - Label the new column Account.

- In the first row of the new column that you inserted,  enter the formula  =D2&E2&F2&G2&H2 where the D through H are:

D = Org
E = Dept
F = ExpenseCode
G = ProjectCode 
H = FundCode 
and 2 = the row number where the formula is located.

- Click Enter to save the formula.
- Copy the formula to all rows that contain detail information by positioning the cursor over the bottom right corner of the cell (cross over small black box) and dragging the formula to the bottom of the detail rows.

- Select the whole worksheet by left clicking on the blank box in the upper left-hand corner between the row number and the column letters.- Go to Data, Sort and sort by the column that contains the Account Number (column I) in ascending order.
- Click OK to run the sort.

- Select the whole worksheet by left clicking on the blank box in the upper left-hand corner between the row number and the column letters. Go to Data, Subtotals and specify:

At each change in: Account
Use function: Sum
Add subtotal: TransactionAmount (remove  the check from TransmissionID)

- Leave the other defaults as they are.
- Click OK to subtotal worksheet. You can compress the outlines by left-clicking on the minus sign (in the box to the left of the row numbers). After compression, the minus will turn in to a plus. 

Click the plus sign to expand the subtotal to show detail lines.

  1. Save the file as an Excel file with File name:

GLExportX.xls (where X is the Transmission ID)

and Save as type:

 Microsoft Excel 97 & 5.0/95 Workbook (*.xls). 

You can change the file name to be the same as the journal voucher number if you wish. In that case, name the file

 MM0000X.xls (where X is the Transmission ID.)