Ratio Allocation Example 2 Version

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Example 2: ratio allocation

Allocation Method: Ratio
Allocation Basis: Account Balance
Allocation Ratio Basis: Account Balance
Allocation Percent: 30%
Processing Period/Year: 12/2018

From Account Code:

Account Code Account Balance
001-726-19-0001 $50,000.00
001-726-19-0011 $50,000.00
001-726-19-0101 $50,000.00

Ratio Account Codes:

Account Code Account Balance
001-727-18-0001 $2,000.00
001-727-18-0011 $2,000.00
001-727-18-0101 $6,000/00

To Account Codes:

Account Code Account Balance
001-728-17-0001 $0.00
001-728-17-0011 $0.00
001-728-17-0101 $0.00

Calculate the Total Allocation Amount

The Allocation Basis is Account Balance and the Allocation Percent is 30%.
Therefore the Total Allocation Amount is equal to the sum of the account balances for the "from" accounts:

Total Allocation Amount: $150,000.00 X .30 = $45,000.00

Calculate the Ratio

The Allocation Ratio Basis is Account Balance.
Therefore the Ratio Total is the sum of the account balance amounts for all the "ratio" accounts for the selected processing period and year.

Ratio Total = $10,000.00

  1. For each "ratio" account, determine the Organization / Department.
    The location of the Organization and Department segments within the account code for our example are Segment1 and Segment4 respectively.
  1. For each "ratio" account, divide the Ratio Total by the account's Account Balance.
    The defined account structure for this example is:
Ratio Account Code    Segment 1   Segment 4   Calculation
001-727-18-0001 001 0001 $10000 / $2000 = .2
001-727-18-0011 001 0011 $10000 / $2000 = .2
001-727-18-0101 001 0101 $10000 / $6000 = .6

  1. For each "to" account, determine the Organization/Department.
  1. For each "to" account, calculate the Individual Allocation Amount by multiplying the Total Allocation Amount by the "to" accounts Ratio based upon their Organization/Department.
"To"Account Code    Segment 1     Segment 4    Calculation   
001-728-17-0001 001 0001 .2 x $45,000.00 = $9,000.00
001-728-17-0011 001 0011 .2 x $45,000.00 = $9,000.00
001-728-17-0101 001 0101 .6 x $45,000.00 = $27,000.00

Resulting Journal Voucher amounts

Account Code Debit Credit
001-726-19-0001    $0.00 $15,000.00
001-726-19-0011 $0.00 $15,000.00
001-726-19-0101 $0.00 $15,000.00
001-728-17-0001 $9,000.00 $0.00
001-728-17-0011 $9,000.00 $0.00
001-728-17-0101 $27,000.00 $0.00