Working with Budgets Version


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General Ledger Budget Management lets you create and maintain an unlimited number of budgets per year for each general ledger account. You can automatically generate budgets based on existing budgets, or based on actual financial data. You can create a budget manually by entering amounts for each period. You can also import budgets into GL using the Excel Budget Template.

Budget Management supports budgets for both financial and statistical accounts. Financial accounts are balance sheet and profit and loss accounts. Statistical accounts are used for non-financial data. For example, statistical accounts might track overtime hours, employee head count, the number of employees enrolled in various benefits programs, and so on.

Once a budget is complete, you can revise the budget. The system maintains the various budget versions. You can activate budgets and budget revisions, or make budgets inactive. Budgets can also be deleted (if the status is Inactive).

Authorizations for users to create budgets are set in the Users' Profiles. The system administrator at your site can establish access to Budget Management for the appropriate users.

Setting User Permissions for Budgeting

Users who work with budgets must have the appropriate General Ledger authorizations set on the Users GL Limits panel. Also, the Budgets role object must be included in the users' assigned role(s) with the appropriate security level.

To set GL authorizations:

  1. From the Work in Administration main Contents, select Administration > Users. The list of users appears.
  2. Locate the user whose user profile you wish to edit.
  3. Click the edit icon or select Menu > Edit.
    The user profile tabbed panels appear.
  4. Click the GL Limits tab.
    The GL Limits panel appears (Figure 1).
  5. Figure 1 - User Profile GL Limits Panel

  6. Select the boxes that authorize the user's General Ledger access and limits. For example, if the user will be creating budgets, click the box next to Allow Access to Balance Sheet Accounts. Enter values in Future Periods GL Entry and Prior Periods GL Entry, as needed.
  7. Click the User Roles tab and note the Role assigned to the user.
    (You will need this information to set the security level on the "Budgets" role object, as discussed below.)
  8. When you are finished with user profile settings, click Save.
  9. Click Submit.
    The Users list is displayed.

To view and change settings on role objects:

  1. From the Work in Administration main Contents, select Administration > Roles.
    The list of Roles appears.
  2. Locate the Role specified for the user (from the User Roles panel for the user, as described above).
  3. Next to the Role, click Role Objects.
    The Role Objects list appears (Figure 2).
  4. Figure 2 - Role Objects List

  5. Locate the "Budgets" object.
  6. Click Edit.
    The Role Objects Edit panel appears (Figure 3).
  7. Figure 3 - Role Objects Panel: Edit Security Levels

  8. Select the appropriate Security Level. (Levels None, View, and Modify cannot create budgets.)
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Submit.
    The system returns you to the Role Objects list.

Important: If you add the Budgets role object to a user's role, any other users with the same role will also have access to budgets. Similarly, the security level that you set for Budgets will be valid for the other users. To avoid this situation, you can create a new role for users who need access to budgets as follows: make a copy of their current role, include the Budgets role object in the copy, and assign them the new role .

Viewing Budget Information

For each organization at your site, different types of budgets can be created. You can choose from five Budget Type indicators to characterize budgets, such as operating or flex budgets. A budget may contain projections for one or many accounts. (The examples below show only one account.)

For a given organization, year, and budget type, you can get budget data using the Financial Report Writer or ProSheet. Budget data is accessible in the same way as actuals data. You can also view budgets from the Budget Management feature in General Ledger.

To view the Budgets list from General Ledger:

Figure 4 - The Budgets List

About the Budget Type Field

The Budget Type lets you categorize budgets in a way that is meaningful for your organization. The Budget Type can be used to create reports on budgets of the same type (year, and organization) for multiple departments, for example. Using the Budget Type field explains this field in more detail.
Options are:
Budget 1 (Operating)
Budget 2 (Flexed)
Budget 3
Budget 4
Budget 5.

Editing Incomplete Budgets

From the Budgets list, clicking the edit icon lets you edit any budget whose Status is Incomplete. Incomplete budgets lack required information. Once a budget is complete, its status is either Active (currently in use) or Inactive. When you edit a complete budget, you can only change the budget description. To change other parts of the budget, such as the values assigned to each account for each period, you must revise the budget. (See the discussion of revisions below.) Only Active budgets can be revised. Only Inactive and Incomplete budgets can be deleted.

Creating New Budgets

You can create budgets by manually entering an amount for each period in accounts. You can create budgets automatically based on existing budgets; for example, a new Travel Expenses Budget for 2016 based on the Travel Expenses Budget for 2015. You can also generate budgets automatically based on actual data in an account (actuals), rather than on another budget. The system provides panels for entering budget information, and also provides an Excel template that you can download (and upload) with new budget data. The following sections describe how to create budgets with the panels provided. Using the Excel template is discussed below.

Creating a Budget Manually

Creating a budget manually has several basic steps:

To allocate amounts to each period in an account, you can spread a total amount equally among all the periods. Or, you can enter the amount for each period. The sections below outline each approach.

To create the budget header:

  1. From the General Ledger main Contents, select Budget Management > Budgets.
    The list of budgets appears, or No Data if none exist.
  2. Click New.
    The Budget General panel appears (Figure 5).
  3. Figure 5 - Budget General Panel

  4. Enter information in fields on the panel:
  5. From Create Method, select Manually Entered.
  6. Enter the Control Total (if you know it).
    The Control Total, for an initial budget, is the total value of the budget. For a revision, the Control Total is the total value of the revision to the budget. You can let the system calculate the totals, and then enter the Control Total later by editing the budget. When a budget is created, the Control Total and Budget Total must match in order for the budget to be Active.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Submit. The Budget Edit panel with three tabbed partitions appears (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Budget Details Edit Panel

Spreading an Amount Equally Among Periods

An easy way to allocate dollars to periods in a budget is to spread the amount equally among the periods.

To spread an amount equally among periods:

  1. On the Financial Budget Details panel, go to the GL Account field (Figure 6) and select the first account that you are including in the budget.
    You can construct a budget that contains several accounts. (See Step 7.)
    Important: An account for a department can be included only once for budgets of the same type for the same year.

  2. If the account is a balance sheet account, you can enter a Beginning Balance amount, if any.
    The beginning balance is included in the Budget Total. The Budget Total must be the same as the Control Total for your budget to be complete and active.
  3. In Period 01 (or in any other period), enter the amount that you wish to spread equally among that period and the remaining periods.
    Figure 6 shows $6293.69 in Period 01 to be spread among Period 01 through Period 12.
  4. Select Spread Data.
  5. Click Save.
    The system displays the dollars allocated to each period for the account. Figure 7 is an example of spreading the amount (in Figure 6, Period 01) among twelve periods.
  6. Figure 7 - Budget Details Panel: Dollars Allocated Evenly Among Periods

  7. Click Submit.
    The Budget Details panel is displayed. The account that you just included appears at the bottom (Figure 8). You can enter data for another account in the budget, if you wish.
  8. Figure 8 - Budget Details Panel for Entering Another Account in the Budget

  9. Click Finish Now.
    The system displays the Budgets list.
  10. Click Refresh to view the new budget on the list.

Entering different amounts for each period

You can enter a budgeted amount for each account in each period manually, if you wish. (An account for a department can be included only once for budgets of the same Budget Type for the same year.) If you are manually entering amounts for all periods, do not check the Spread Data field. Otherwise, the process is the same as creating a budget by spreading amounts equally. (See the steps described previously.) You can also enter a few amounts manually, and spread the balance among the remaining periods.

Creating a Budget Automatically

You can create new budgets automatically based on existing budgets, or based on actuals. The methods are described below.

Basing a new budget on an existing budget with a percent change

Often, it is efficient to create new budgets that are based on old budgets, allocating an added percent of dollars for inflation, or other factors. If you are creating a budget that is based on another budget, or on actuals, you can specify a percent increase or decrease to use in calculating new values for each period.

To create a new budget based on an existing budget:

  1. From the General Ledger main Contents, select Budget Management > Budgets.
    The list of budgets appears, or No Data if none exist.
  2. Click New.
    The Budget General panel appears (Figure 9).
  3. Figure 9 - Budget General Panel: New Budget Based on Existing Budget

  4. On the Budget General panel, complete the fields as follows:
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Submit.
    The system creates the budget and returns to the Budgets list.
  7. Refresh the Budgets list and locate the budget.
    Notice that the Status of the budget is Incomplete.
  8. Click the edit icon or Menu > Edit to edit the budget.
    The Budget Details panel appears. Figure 10 is an example.

    The system calculates amounts for each period in the account using the Percent Change. Then, the Budget Total and is calculated and displayed (upper right corner of the panel). The Control Total is still zero. Since you have not yet entered a Control Total, the budget is created as Incomplete. You need to enter a Control Total, and balance the Control Total with the Budget Total so that the Variance is zero.
  9. Figure 10 - Budget Details Panel: New Budget Based on an Existing Budget

    Notice that accounts included in the budget are listed at the bottom of the panel under Budget Details. You can view/edit budgeted amounts for each account by selecting the edit icon or Menu > Edit next to the account number. You can also delete accounts by clicking Delete.

  10. To balance the Budget Total and the Control Total, click the Budget tab.
    The Budget panel appears (Figure 11).
  11. Figure 11 - Budget Panel: Edit Control Total for New Budget Based on an Existing Budget

  12. Enter the Control Total.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Click Finish Now.
    The system activates the budget (if no other errors exist), and returns to the Budgets list.

Budgets Based on Actuals

Budget Management can generate budgets based on actual financial data. Typically, you may wish to use data in one year's accounts to create a budget for the succeeding year; for example, to generate a budget for 2016 based on data for 2015. When you base a new budget on actuals, the system uses all the accounts available in the budget. This approach may be practical if you are creating a budget for an entire organization.

If you wish to create a budget based on actuals from only a few — and not all — accounts, you can create a budget based on actuals for all accounts, and then delete some accounts from the budget.

The paragraphs below outline the general steps in creating a budget based on actuals, and how to delete accounts that you do not wish to include.

To create a budget based on actuals:

  1. From the General Ledger main Contents, select Budget Management > Budgets.
    The list of budgets appears, or No Data if none exist.
  2. Click New.
    The Budget General panel appears (Figure 12).
  3. Figure 12 - Budget General Panel: New Budget Based on Actuals

  4. Enter information in fields on the Budget General panel for the Organization, Budget Name, and Description.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Submit.
    The system creates the budget and returns to the Budgets list.
  7. Refresh the Budgets list and locate the budget.
    Notice that the Status of the budget is Incomplete.
  8. Click the edit icon or Menu > Edit to edit the budget.
    The Budget Details panel appears. Figure 13 is an example.
  9. Figure 13 - Budget Details Based on Actuals

    Notice that the Budget Details list at the bottom contains all of the organization's accounts.

  10. Next to each account in the Budget Details list that you wish to remove, click Delete.
    The account is removed , and the Budget Total and the Variance are adjusted.
  11. To change the amount budgeted in an account, click the edit icon or Menu > Edit.
  12. When you are finished deleting and editing accounts, balance the budget:
  13. Click Save.
  14. Click Submit.
    The system activates the budget (if no other errors exist), and returns to the Budgets list.

Revising Budgets

You can revise budgets manually, or let the system make automatic revisions.

Manual Revisions

In a manual budget revision, you adjust an account's budget by entering a change amount (+ or –) or a new total amount for one or more periods. The Control Total represents the total amount added to or removed from the budget since the last revision. The revision is Complete when the Control Total and the Revision Total are balanced.

Automatic Revisions

Automatic revisions are based on existing budgets or on actuals from specified accounts. During a budget revision, you can remove accounts from a budget, except for accounts containing $0.00. This method can be used to trim the list of accounts in a budget created from actuals.

To revise a budget manually:

  1. From the General Ledger main Contents, select Budget Management > Budgets.
    The list of budgets appears.
  2. Locate the budget to be revised, and select Menu > Revisions (Figure 14).

Figure 14 - Accessing Revisions for a Budget

The list of revisions to the budget appears. If no revisions exist (Figure 15), the list shows only one entry for the budget's creation (Revision No 0).

Figure 15 - List of Budget Revisions: Initial Budget is Revision No 0

  1. Click New.
    The Budget Revision panel appears (Figure 16).

Figure 16 - Budget Revision Panel

  1. Enter information on the panel.
  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Submit.
    The Budget Details panel appears with the list of accounts at the bottom (similar to Figure 13).
  3. Click the edit icon or Menu > Edit next to an account whose budgeted value you wish to change.
    The Budget Details panel appears (Figure 17).

Figure 17 - Budget Details Panel

  1. Enter the dollar amount to add or subtract from the budget for any period. Use a minus (– ) for amounts to subtract.
    Figure 17 shows $1200.00 added to the account in Period 07 and Period 8.
  1. Click Submit.
    The Financial Budget Accounts panel appears.
  2. Click the Revision tab.
    The Budget Revision panel appears. Enter the Control Total that balances the Revision Total.
  3. Click Save.
    If you want to check whether your totals balance, click the Financial Budget Accounts tab again (Figure 18).

Figure 18 - Financial Budget Accounts Panel with Balanced Totals

  1. Click Finish Now to complete the revision.
    You are returned to the Revisions list.
  2. Click Refresh.
    If no errors exist, your budget revision appears on the list with a Status of Complete. If you have errors, the Status is Open, and you will need to edit the revision to make changes.

Creating Budgets from Excel Spreadsheets

An Excel template is provided for managing budgets with Excel. You can use the Excel budget template to create new budgets and import them into the system. You can also download budgets created in the system to an Excel spreadsheet. To use the template, you first must download it from General Ledger to a network location where you can access it from Excel.

Important: You can only use the budget template to create new budgets. You can replace an existing budget with a new version using the budget template, but you must first delete the existing budget.

The latest version of the template uses Excel 2010. If you need to install the template, follow the instructions below. If you are currently using a previous version of the template, you will need to disable it (by unselecting it) before proceeding with the install.

To download and install the Excel budget template on your local system:

Caution: The download process overwrites any existing spreadsheet with the same name. If you have an existing spreadsheet with the same name, you may wish to rename the existing spreadsheet so that its data are preserved.

These instructions download and install the  Budget Template for Excel 2010. This template supports the  sign-in process.

Important:  members accessing the ERP General Ledger application through  must use the new template.

Users (working with an Excel version earlier than 2010) can continue to work with old templates that they have downloaded in the past, as long as they do not need to sign on through .

  1. From the General Ledger main Contents, select Budget Management > Excel Budget Template.
    The Download panel appears (Figure 19).
  2. Click "Click here to download this file".

Figure 19 - Excel Budget Template Download Panel

The File Download panel appears.

  1. Click Run.
    Depending on your Internet Explorer Security Settings, a verification panel may appear.
  2. If the verification panel appears, click Run.
    The installation wizard panel appears (Figure 20).

Figure 20 - The First Panel of the Budget Template Install Wizard

  1. Click Next.
    Follow instructions on the install Wizard, clicking Next as you move through the panels.
  2. The Destination Location panel appears (Figure 21).
    On the Destination Location panel the Destination Folder specifies where the template will be installed.
    If you wish to install it in another location, click Change and specify the location.
    When you use the budget template with Excel, you will open the template from the Destination Folder.

Figure 21 - Destination Location for Budget Template

  1. Click Next.
    The Start Installation panel appears (Figure 22).

Figure 22 - The Start Installation Panel

  1. Click Install.
    The template is installed in the location specified, and a message is displayed when installation is complete (Figure 23).

Figure 23 - Finish Template Installation Panel

  1. Click Finish. The template is installed and available on your local system in the location you specified. You are returned to the system.

Using the  Excel Budget Template

The template appears with the Budget Header worksheet on top (Figure 24). Other worksheets contain Budget Details (red arrow) and Spread Methods (green arrow).

Figure 24 - Excel Budget Template Showing Budget Header Worksheet

Spreading an Amount Among Periods - Excel Budget Template

The Spread Methods worksheet lets you define one or more methods of spreading a budgeted amount among several periods in a fiscal year. The steps are:

  1. Click the Spread Methods worksheet.
    - Enter the percent of the spread amount that you wish to allocate to each period in the period cell.
    - Name the spread method by overwriting Method1 or Method2, etc. in Column A with the chosen name.

For example, Figure 25 displays the Spread Methods worksheet with a method 100% Over 12 set up. This method spreads an amount equally over 12 periods.
Each Period contains 8.30 percent, which is 100 percent ÷ 12 (rounded down to the nearest hundredth).
(Note: The  Budget Template also provides an "equal spread" method pre-defined on the Spread Budget Entry selection panel, Figure 26).

Figure 25 - Setting Up a Spread Method on the Excel Budget Template

  1. On the Budget Detail worksheet, enter the amount to be spread in the appropriate cell. Figure 26 shows an amount ($240.00, red arrow) entered in the Period 1 cell.

Figure 26 - Using a Spread Method to Allocate a Budget Amount among Periods on Excel

  1. Click Ctrl Enter. The Spread Budget Entry selection panel appears (Figure 26).
  2. Click the down arrow to select the spread method. In Figure 26, 100 Over 12 is selected. Several pre-defined methods are also available, if you do not wish to create your own spread methods.
  3. Click Spread Data. The amount is spread over the 12 periods in the fiscal year (Figure 27).

Figure 27 - Applying a Spread Method to a Dollar Amount on the Excel Budget Template

To upload a budget from Excel:

The Upload and Download links are located on the , Inc. tab of the worksheet.

  1. Create a new budget by entering data on each tabbed worksheet of the Excel budget template.
    The Instructions and Tips worksheet provides information about rows and columns.
  2. When you are finished entering data, save the spreadsheet.
  3. On the , Inc. tab of the worksheet, click Upload Budget to GL to send your spreadsheet to the system (Figure 24)
    Windows asks if you are sure.
    - Click OK.
    If you are not logged in to the system, a sign-on panel appears. Sign on instructions are below.

To download a budget from the system to Excel:

The Upload and Download links are located on the , Inc. tab of the worksheet.

  1. Open the Excel budget template file on your local system.
    Caution: Make sure you are using a blank copy of the budget template since the download procedure will overwrite existing spreadsheet data.
  2. Click Download Budget from GL.
    Windows asks if you are sure.
    - Click OK.
    If you are not logged in to the system, a sign-on panel appears. Sign on instructions are below.

Sign On to General Ledger for Uploading/Downloading Budgets: Excel 2010 and  Users

If you are not a  user, and are using the (very) old (pre-Release 6.0.3) budget template with Excel 2007, you can continue with the sign on process that you have been following.
The process has changed only for users of the new Excel 2010 template.

For Excel 2010 users signing on to General Ledger on the "Aperek" server:

If this is your first time signing on through the Budget Template, the Host Setup panel appears (Figure 28). "" is selected by default.

  1. Select "Aperek."

Figure 28 - The Initial Host Setup Panel for Upload/Download Log In: "Aperek" User

The panel refreshes (Figure 29).

Figure 29 - The Hosting Options Panel for "Aperek"

The Host Name on the panel is pre-populated with the correct server URL. (You would only need to change the Host Name value, if, for example, you are in a training class, and using a different server. Your instructor would tell you what to enter, in that case.)

  1. Enter your Customer ID.
  2. Click Save. The Sign on panel appears (Figure 30).

Figure 30 - The Sign on Panel for Aperek User

  1. Enter your normal User Name, and Password on the sign-on panel.
  2. Click Sign On.
    For an upload, a message tells you that your worksheet is being uploaded to the system. If there are no errors, Excel sends you a final message that the spreadsheet was successfully uploaded.
    For a download, the budget data appears in the worksheet.
  3. Click OK.

For users signing on to General Ledger through :

If this is your first time signing on through the Budget Template, the Host Setup panel appears (Figure 31).

Figure 31 - The Host Setup Panel for Upload/Download Sign On:  User

The Host Name on the panel is pre-populated with the correct server URL. (You would only need to change the Host Name in a special circumstance if you were using a different server; for example, when you are in a training class. Your instructor would tell you what to enter, in that case.)

  1. Click Save. The Sign on panel appears (Figure 32).

Figure 32 - The Sign on Panel for a  User

  1. Enter your normal User Name, and Password on the sign-on panel.
  2. Click Sign On.
    For an upload, a message tells you that your worksheet is being uploaded to the system. If there are no errors, Excel sends you a final message that the spreadsheet was successfully uploaded.
    For a download, the budget data appears in the worksheet.
  3. Click OK.

For SSO users signing on to General Ledger

  1. Click Upload JV.
    If this is your first time signing on through the JV Template, the Host Setup panel appears (Figure 33).

Figure 33 - The Initial Host Setup Panel for SSO Users

The Host Name on the panel is pre-populated with the correct server URL.

  1. Select "SSO."
  2. Click Save. The Sign on panel appears (Figure 34).
  3. Figure 34 - The Sign on Panel for an SSO User

  4. Enter your hospital email address on the sign-on panel.
  5. Click Sign On.
    Your site's network/application login panel appears. Enter your normal login credentials. Figure 35 is an example.

Figure 35 - Generic Sample: Network User Signon Panel

  1. Click Signon.

Activating and Deactivating a budget

The system normally activates a budget when it is complete. Activating a budget puts it into use. You can deactivate any active budget. You can also re-activate any inactive budget.

Activation/deactivation is available for a budget on the budgets list.

Using the Budget Type Field

The Budget Type field simplifies building reports on budgets. In Financial Reports and ProSheet, the Budget Type field lets you access budget data in the same way that you access actuals data. For example, in running a Financial Report for a particular Budget Type, you can specify the "year" as "base year + offset."  

You can create a budget of each Budget Type that you use at your site for all organizations and all years. You can run Financial reports for any year without having to maintain the budget column. Inquiry and Analysis can inquire against different years without changing the budget type. Set the Default Budget Type for Inquiry on the Organization's GL Information tab.

Two of the budget types -- Budget 1 (Operating) and Budget 2 (Flexed) -- are labels for common types of budgets. You may have other named budgets that make more sense to categorize separately -- a statistical budget of some sort, or a  special budget for a project, for example. You can use the labels 'Budget 3", "Budget 4," and "Budget 5" for these other budgets.

Budgets for multiple departments do not have to be "combined" to get a composite organization budget. You can upload multiple budget templates for the same budget year and organization. Using ProSheet, the process of creating an organization budget is simple: the organization's budget is ready when the departments finish uploading their individual budgets of the same Budget Type for the year. You can use the Budget Name field to designate each department's budget, and you can create individual financial reports on departmental budgets for the organization, year, and Budget Type.

Statistical Budgets

Setting up a statistical budget follows the same processes as financial budgets, with these differences: