Installing ActiveX Controls Version


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Important: ActiveX controls are being phased out of ERP applications as of Release 7.12. They are being replaced with a more modern technology.

ActiveX controls are mini-programs that do particular tasks for some features, such as displaying lists. When you open a feature that uses an ActiveX control, the system automatically installs any ActiveX controls that are needed.

However, under some circumstances, the system cannot install the controls, and users will need to have an IT administrator perform this activity:

To install ActiveX controls when working with the application:

When ActiveX controls need to be installed, the system asks if you wish to install the controls. When you click "Yes", the system automatically installs them (assuming that you have Admin privileges to your computer. See the Overview.)

If you have problems with the install:

If you receive errors when you try to install the updated ActiveX controls, you should contact your system administrator. Based on how your computer and network are configured, several possibilities exist:

Installing ActiveX Controls from the Loader file:

The "loader" file is a system file that installs ActiveX controls.

  1. From the Work in Administration main contents, click Administration > Active X Control Loader.
    - Windows may ask you to verify that you wish to run the Loader file.
  2. Click Yes.
    - A panel with information and instructions appears.
  3. Click "Click here to install the ActiveX controls"
    - This file performs the installation.