Configure a Gateway Version


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Note: This document is intended for use by sites implemented with  ERP and/or SCM prior to January, 2017. After that date, the Pulse appliance is installed for new sites, instead of the "traditional" gateway portal described in this topic.

Please inquire with the Premier Solution Center before you attempt to either set up a Gateway or edit the configuration of an existing Gateway.

A system Gateway and the Pulse appliance each automatically downloads and uploads files between the system and your local network. The gateway/Pulse monitors the system for files that need to be transferred to your network and automatically transfers them. Similarly, the gateway/Pulse monitors your network's folders for files to upload to the system and performs the upload. A gateway or Pulse can export patient charges to your billing application, item records to storage units such as Pyxis, and more.

Technical Support (at the Solution Center) must install the gateway feature for you. Setting up and configuring gateways are tasks a system administrator performs (but the Help Desk can assist). To use a gateway, you create the gateway, assign one or more organizations to it, and identify any specific types of files that you want the gateway to handle (such as "Patient Charge files" and "Scanned Imports"). Gateways upload files to the system from an "inbox" folder on your local file system. A gateway can monitor as many inboxes as you wish. A gateway downloads the system files to folders on your local file system. You can download files to any location on your network. You can also configure an FTP server to send downloaded files to other networks at your site.

In creating gateways, several scenarios are possible. You can set organization-specific options for a gateway. These settings are useful if you have multiple organizations with different needs using a single gateway. You can also create multiple gateways and configure each to handle different organizations, file types, or both.

You can disable uploading and downloading at the gateway, organization, or file level. You can also disable the FTP server at the same levels. With a disabled server, files are still downloaded to your local file system -- they just are not sent to a final destination via FTP.

The system communicates any upload or download failures to you using messages. If an upload of a file to the system is not successful, a message is written, and the file is sent to a designated "holding" directory. If a download is not successful, you also get a message. You can correct problems with the download file and flag the file for another download attempt by the gateway.

This topic explains the basic setup of a gateway and more advanced configuration possibilities for organizations and file types. Again, this information is for reference only. The Solution Center will handle any changes or new installs that you need.

For existing sites with Gateways, as a reference, here are the current requirements:

System and hardware requirements for gateways are in the following table.

Table 1 - Gateway Requirements for Non-Pulse Sites

Operating System

Windows 2008 R2 Server (preferred) or Windows Server 2012 (32 or 64 bit)
Note: if planning to use the scanning process, this must be Windows 2008 or higher.

Web Browser

Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome. This requirement is the same as the application's general requirement.

Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 or higher. The IIS subcomponent “File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server” should be installed. Also, Microsoft XML 4.0, Service Pack 2 (available as a download from Microsoft).

Access to Internet (443 for SSL) and to any shared network drives.

At least 2 gigabyte (GB) of RAM (recommended minimum), 4 GB preferred.

30 GB C: Drive for operating system/Program files, etc.
100 GB D: Drive (data) free space for file downloads and uploads.
100 GB C: Drive for operating system/program files and file downloads and uploads with minimum 70 GB free space.

  1. The Gateway Server does not need to be a dedicated server
  2. The Gateway Server can be a Virtual Machine (VM)
  3. A User ID should be provided that has Admin rights to install software, manage folders, etc. We suggest that this User ID have a password that does not expire, or a second user id be created for use on server jobs (prevents down time when they expire).
  4. The site will need access from Gateway Server to the appropriate FTP Site (previously: A site's firewall rules must be configured to allow access.

Basic setup activities to configure a working gateway are:

  1. Identify the gateway
    Includes specifying FTP settings for the gateway if you need to send files to another network at your site.
  2. Assign organizations to the gateway
  3. Enable file types that the gateway should handle

Other activities include:

Examples of files that can be exported through a gateway are:

You can view the status of files downloaded through the gateway. On the Export panel for each type of file, the column Gateway Download Status shows whether the file was successfully exported.


Your user profile must include the appropriate permission to configure gateways. To create and configure gateways, the system administrator must have the "Gateway" role object set to Create or higher. See Set Up and Maintain Users for more information about Role Objects.

Again, check with the Premier Solutions Center before you attempt any existing gateway re-configuration.

Basic Gateway Setup

To create a new gateway:

  1. From Work in Administration, select Client Gateway > Gateways.
    The list of your gateways appears (Figure 1). If you have no gateways set up, No Data appears.

Figure 1 - Gateways List

  1. Click New.
    The new Gateway tabbed panel appears (Figure 2). Enter information in this panel to define your new gateway.

Figure 2 - Gateway Edit Panel

  1. Complete the required fields on the header and General tab.

If you plan to send files to a different final network location, complete the fields on the FTP tab (Figure 3). Note that for a gateway on an FTP server, the Root Folder (General tab) and the FTP Folder (FTP tab) refer to the same directory.

Figure 3 - Gateway FTP Settings for a New Gateway

  1. Click Save periodically to save your work.
  2. When you are finished entering information in the fields, click Submit.
    You are returned to the Gateway list.
  3. Click Refresh to view the server information on the list.

To assign organizations to a gateway:

  1. From Work in Administration, select Client Gateway > Gateways. The list of your gateways appears.
  2. Locate the gateway that you wish to configure.
  3. Next to the gateway name, select Menu > Assign Organizations (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Gateway Menu

A list of organizations at your site appears (Figure 5).

Figure 5 - Assign Organizations to a Gateway

  1. Select the box in the Assign column for each organization that you wish to assign to the gateway. If the organization list has multiple pages, click NextPage and Prev Page to scroll forward and back.

    Important: An organization may be assigned to only one gateway.

  2. Click Submit when you are finished assigning organizations.
    Files for the organization(s) that you identified will be uploaded and downloaded by the gateway.

To enable file types for a gateway:

  1. From Work in Administration, select Client Gateway > Gateways.
    The list of gateways appears.
  2. Locate the gateway that you wish to configure.
  3. Next to the gateway name, select Menu > Enable File Types (Figure 4).
    A list of available file types that gateways can process for each organization appears (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Select File Types Panel for a Gateway

  1. Select the Enable box next to each file type that you want the gateway to handle.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Submit. You are returned to the Gateway list.

Set organization specific options for a gateway

Configuring an organization on a gateway is similar to configuring an entire gateway. You may have several organizations assigned to a single gateway. The organization panels allow you to enable or disable the gateway for any particular organization without affecting the others. In addition:

To configure a gateway for an organization:

  1. From Work in Administration, select Client Gateway > Gateways. The list of your gateways appears.
  2. Locate the gateway on the list.
  3. Next to the gateway name, select Menu > Configure Organizations (Figure 4). A list of organizations served by the gateway appears.
  4. Locate the organization.
  5. Click the edit icon or Menu > Edit next to the organization name.

    Note: You can also select Configure File Types to specify which of the available file types the gateway should upload and download for the organization.

The Gateway Organization panel appears (Figure 7).

Figure 7 - Configure a Gateway for an Organization

  1. Enter information as needed on the Gateway Organization panel.
    - Click Help for detailed information about the fields.
  2. When you are finished entering information, click Submit.
    The system returns you to the Gateway Organizations list and makes the changes you specified.

To configure file types for an organization:

  1. From Work in Administration, select Client Gateway > Gateways. The list of your gateways appears.
  2. Locate the gateway on the list.
  3. Next to the gateway name:


Figure 8 - Select Gateway File Types for an Organization

  1. Click the edit icon or select Menu > Edit next to the row containing the file type that you wish to configure. The Gateway File Configuration panel for the organization appears, similar to the Gateway Edit panel in Figure 2.
  2. Enter information as needed on the panel.
    Note: For example, the field Printer App Path designates an application that renders documents in printable form; for example, Adobe Acrobat. This field is needed if your site is auto-printing receiving documents or pick lists.
  3. When you are finished entering information, click Submit.
    The system returns you to the file types list and makes the changes that you specified for the organization's file types.


Files for upload to the system are located in one or more inboxes. You must set up your inboxes to use the gateway for importing files to the system.

To set up a new inbox or change an existing inbox:

  1. From Work in Administration, select Client Gateway > Gateways.
    The list of your gateways appears.
  2. Locate the gateway on the list.
  3. Next to the gateway name, select Menu > Inboxes (Figure 4).
    If the gateway has no inboxes defined, No Data appears. Otherwise, a list of inboxes for the gateway appears.
  4. To create a new inbox, click New. The Gateway Inbox panel appears (Figure 9)

Figure 9 - Set Up Gateway Inbox

  1. Complete the fields on the Inbox panel to define a new Inbox.
  2. Click Submit. You are returned to the Gateway Inboxes list. (Click Refresh to see any inboxes you have added.)

FTP Server

To configure an FTP server:

  1. From Work in Administration, select Client Gateway > Gateway FTP.
    If no FTP servers are defined, No Data appears. Otherwise, a list of FTP servers appears.
  2. To configure a new FTP server, click New. The Gateway FTP edit panel appears (Figure 10).

Figure 10 - Configure FTP Server

  1. Enter information in the fields as needed.
    - In particular, notice the field Use Short File Names.
    Select this field if the server must transfer files to a system that limits file names to eight characters. The gateway will generate short file names for files that it transfers to the system. A part of the file name, such as GL for General Ledger export files and IN for invoice files, designates the file type.
    - Click Help for a discussion of this panel's other fields.
  2. Click Submit. You are returned to the FTP Servers list.
  3. Click Refresh to see the server added to the list.

Gateway Notifications

You can view messages sent by the gateway, such as problems with uploads, format files, and others.

To view gateway notifications:

Figure 11 - Gateway Notifications

Sample messages in the figure include:

- Error uploading 'dec1804.csv'
Your upload file was Rejected because of the following reasons
CSV file's customer ID does not match your customer ID.
Import file not in correct format.

Explanation: The uploaded file has the wrong customer ID. The file is a .csv file. Open the .csv file using Microsoft Excel
(or another spreadsheet program) and correct the customer number.

- GetNextDownloadFile action failed.
File not found.

Explanation: The file to be downloaded could not be found. The download failed.

- Failed to Re-Stage file.
File 'c:\GatewayRoot\Unknown\dec1804' not found.

Explanation: The user tried to re-stage the file, and the re-stage failed.

Other examples of messages that you might see are the following:

- Invalid Format File 'C:\GatewayRoot\InBox\Import810Z.xml' has been moved to UnknownFiles directory.

Explanation: An .xml file type was in an inbox for upload to the system. The Gateway does not support .xml files.
The gateway has put the file in the Unknown files directory -- a "holding place" defined in the gateway configuration.

- Inbox Folder 'c:\Houlihan' does not exist

Explanation: The gateway cannot upload a file from the inbox Houlihan because either the inbox has not been set up,
or the gateway cannot find it.

FtpPutFile Extd Err: 0 200 Representation type is ASCII nonprint.
200 PORT subcommand request successful.
501 Specified object name too long, limit is 10 characters: \CHS\export\.

Explanation: The file is being transferred to another network via an FTP server. The name of the file is too long. (See the Use Short File Names field on the FTP server setup panel.)

To view gateway file status and restage files:

Files can fail to download for different reasons -- available disk space might be insufficient for the file size; a server might be disabled; and others. When a file fails to download, the file appears on the Reset Gateway File Status list. You can view the reasons for the failure, and restage a file for download from this list (after you fix whatever problem caused the failure).

  1. From Work in Administration, select Client Gateway > Gateway File Status. The list of failed download files appears (Figure 12).

Figure 12 - Reset Gateway File Status Panel

  1. To restage a file for download, select Reset in the row that contains the file path.
  2. Click Submit.
    The file is ready for a new download attempt by the gateway.

Gateway Commands

You can define commands to be executed on files that are downloaded to your network.

To create/edit gateway commands:

  1. From Work in Administration, select Client Gateway > Gateway Commands.
    A list of commands for execution on downloaded files appears (Figure 13).
    If you have not entered any commands, No Data appears.

Figure 13 - Gateway Commands List

  1. Click New to enter a new command. The Gateway Command edit panel appears.
  1. Complete information in the Gateway Command edit panel to specify the command.
  2. Click Submit. You are returned to the Gateway Commands list.
  3. Click Refresh to view your command.