Invoice Matching Keys Version

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Current Release Notes

The following table summarizes the navigation tools for the Add Lines and Invoice Lines lists.

Shortcut Keys and Tools for Invoice Matching Lists

To get this result...

Do this...

For an example, see...

View PO lines (including unreceived lines) that are available to match with an invoice

Click the Add Lines tab.

Figure 3, Figure 4

View lines that have been added to an invoice

Click the Invoice Lines tab.

Figure 14

Move to the next line -- up or down -- in the list and show editable regions in each line

Use the up and down arrow keys.


Move to the next field -- right or left -- in the list and show editable regions in each line

Use the left and right arrow keys.


Move to the next field



Display (or redisplay) all lines

Click F6 or
Put the cursor in the empty Find box and click Enter.


Go to the Find box

Click Home.


Open the list filter

Click F3.

Figure 16 and Figure 17

Add one or more lines to an invoice

Select the line or lines and click Enter.

Figure 9

Select sequential lines to add to an invoice

• Select the first line.
• Hold down Shift and click the left mouse button to select the last line. All the lines in between are highlighted.
• To add the lines, click the link that the system displays:
"Add all X lines to the invoice"
(X is the number of lines you selected.)


Select non-sequential lines to add to an invoice

• Hold down Ctrl and click the left mouse button to select each line.
• To add the lines, click the link that the system displays:
"Add all X lines to the invoice"
(X is the number of lines you selected.)


Add all lines to the invoice

Click F10


Find one or more lines, or a line containing any value (including numeric values)

Enter characters in the Find box. The system starts searching as soon as you start typing.

Figure 4 and Figure 5

Sort a list column

Click the column header.

Figure 6

Resize columns on a list

Place the cursor on the left or right bar in a margin heading. Drag the bar to make the column narrower or wider.

Figure 8

Move a column to the far right (effectively removing it from the list)

Place the cursor on the column header, hold down the left mouse button, and drag the column to the edge of the window.


Add PO lines with no receipt required to an invoice

Enter a quantity for each line, save the line, and move the line to the Invoice Lines list.

Figure 24 through Figure 27