Linking to Web Pages for Item, Vendor, Contract, and Other Information Version


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The system allows you to link to item, contract, vendor, manufacturer, and GPO web pages from various lists, such as the Item Inventory List. By clicking the arrow icon next to a column value -- such as an item number -- you can link to more information on a web page. Hold the cursor over the arrow icon to see what linked information is available (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Mouse Over an Arrow on a List: Shows the Links Available (Link to Picture, Link to Contract)

This section identifies the fields that may display an icon that opens links. Once your administrator sets up the links, you can link to the web pages. A summary of the setup procedures is below.

Using Links

You can use the following links from system lists, depending on the panel or list where you are working:

Item information

The arrow icon () next to an item number on the Item Catalog or the Item Inventory list opens a tabbed panel that provides links to various types of information:


On lists that display contract numbers, an arrow icon () next to the contract number links to the contract document.

Vendor name

On lists that display vendor names, an arrow icon () next to the vendor name links to the vendor web page.

Manufacturer name

On lists that display manufacturer names, an arrow icon () next to a manufacturer name links to the manufacturer's web page, or to the contract with the manufacturer.


On lists that show a GPO, an arrow icon links to the GPO web page.

Setting up links

Using edit panels, you can enter a URL for the link destination of an item number, vendor name, manufacturer name, contract document, or GPO.

To set up links from an item number to an item picture or MSDS page:

  1. From the Materials main Contents, select Inventory > Item Catalog. The Item Catalog list appears.
  2. Locate the item of interest and click the edit pencil next to it. The Item Catalog edit page (Figure 2) appears.

Figure 2 - Set Up Links to Item Picture and MSDS Sheet

  1. To create a link to an MSDS page, enter the URL for the MSDS page in the MSDS URL field on the General tab.
  2. To create a link to an item picture, enter the URL for the item picture in the Item Picture URL field on the General tab.
    Note: Do not link to a local drive on another computer. Users will not be able to access the local drive.
  3. Click Submit. The system displays the Quick Click menu.

To create a link to a contract document not created with Sourcing and Contract Management

These instructions are for Materials Management customers who do not have Sourcing and Contract Management. The instructions are for the basic supply chain contracts feature.

  1. On the item catalog record for the item, check to be sure that a contract number is associated with the item.
    (When you inquire on an item, the Contract field on the Vendor Information tab shows the contract number.)
  2. From the main Contents, select Purchasing > Contracts. The list of contracts appears.
  3. Enter a contract number in the Contract No box next to Position To, and click Go. The Contract edit panel appears (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Set Up Link to a Contract Document

  1. Enter the URL for the contract document in the Contract URL field on the General tab.
  2. Click Submit.

To set up links from a vendor name to the vendor's web page:

  1. From the Materials or AP main Contents, select Vendors > Vendors.
    The Vendor Quick Click menu appears.

  2. Under I would like to... select Edit.

  3. Enter a vendor name in the Vendor Name box and click Go.
    The tabbed vendor edit page appears.
    Select the MM Information tab (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Set Up a Link to a Vendor's Web Page

  1. Enter the URL for the vendor web page in the Web Page URL field.

  2. Click Submit. The system displays the Quick Click menu.

To set up links from a manufacturer's name to the manufacturer's web page:

  1. From the Materials main Contents, select Tables > Manufacturer. A list of manufacturers appears.
  2. Next to a manufacturer's ID in the list, select Menu > Edit or click the edit icon.
    The Manufacturer edit panel appears (Figure 5).

Figure 5 - Set Up a Link to a Manufacturer's Web Page

  1. Enter the URL for the manufacturer's site in the Manufacturer URL field.
  2. Click Submit. The system returns you to the Manufacturers list.

To set up links from a GPO code to the GPO web page:

  1. From the Materials main Contents, select Tables > Group Purchasing Organizations. A list of GPO's appears.
  2. Next to the GPO code of interest in the list, select Menu > Edit or click the edit icon.
    The GPO edit panel appears (similar to Figure 5).
  3. Enter the URL for the GPO's site in the URL field.
  4. Click Submit. You are returned to the GPO list.