Using ProCount for a Physical Inventory - Mobile Version


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ProCount on a hand-held computer is a tool for counting items with a hand-held computer during a physical inventory. Your materials organization sets up the physical inventory and specifies the items to be counted, item locations, and the inventory schedule. When you visit item locations to count items, you record the current quantity of each item with your hand-held computer. You can find and display the item information on your hand-held computer using several methods, as described in this section.


For you to access hand-held applications (such as ProCount), a system administrator must install applications, configure the hand-held computer, and establish your user settings. Security settings include user Role and login/password.

Before beginning a physical inventory count, you must synchronize the hand-held computer with Supply Chain, as described below. You must synchronize the hand-held twice: once to download executed physical inventories for selection; and again, after you select a physical inventory, to download item information.

When you are finished with the item count, you run the synchronization one more time to upload the quantity that you counted for each item.

Performing a Physical Inventory - Summary

The general steps in setting up and performing an inventory are described in the detailed topic Perform a Physical Inventory. A summary of the steps is in the list below. A hand-held computer lets you perform Steps 4, 5, and 6.

  1. Select the items to be counted.
    This step is part of setting up the physical inventory.
  2. Execute the physical inventory.
    Once executed, the inventory is "in progress."
  3. Synchronize the hand-held computer to download inventory and item information.
  4. Count the items.
  5. Enter the count. Enter any lot tracking data as well for each item.
  6. Synchronize the hand-held computer with Supply Chain to upload data.
  7. Run an Interim Comparison Report.
  8. Review the Interim Comparison Report.
    Recount items as needed to reconcile differences between Supply Chain's on-hand quantity and the quantity that you actually counted.
  9. Run another interim comparison report, if needed.
    You might have to count items and run a report several times until you are comfortable that the manual count is as accurate as you can make it.
  10. Perform the Final Adjustment update.
  11. Run the Final Adjustment Report.

Notes on Physical Inventory Setup

When you use a hand-held computer or an iPad to count items, the physical inventory has already been set up in Supply Chain and executed. (Execution puts the physical inventory "in progress".) However, it may be useful to know how the list of inventory items was created.

Two methods exist for creating a list of items to count in a physical inventory:

On the Supply Chain inventory setup panels, the value entered in the Select Via field tells the system which selection method is being used.

An item can occur on multiple physical inventory lists, but can only be available for entering counts on one physical inventory at a time.

Important: A physical inventory created in Supply Chain for use on a handheld computer has the following naming constraint: the initial letter of the Physical Inventory Code (which identifies the physical inventory) must be alphabetic, capital or lower case; i.e., A - Z or a - z. Physical inventory names that begin with a numeral generate error messages when you try to load the inventory on a handheld.

Using ProCount

  1. Turn on the hand-held computer.
  2. Using the stylus, press Start in the upper left corner.
    The Start Menu appears.
  3. Click   Mobile on the menu. A login screen appears (Figure 1)

Figure 1 - Mobile Login Screen

  1. Log in to the mobile application.

  2. The Applications screen appears (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - The Mobile Applications Window

  1. Select ProCount by pressing its icon with the stylus.

    The ProCount Main screen appears. (Figure 3 displays the ProCount Main item screen with the Menu open. The first time you use ProCount, fields on the screen are empty.)

  2. Connect to Supply Chain and download data to the hand-held computer.

Select an In-Progress Physical Inventory

The ProCount Main item screen (Figure 3) contains fields for entering item information. You must select an "in progress" physical inventory -- a physical inventory job that has been executed -- to view items available for counting.

Executing a physical inventory on Supply Chain allows its data to be downloaded to a hand-held computer. Whenever you execute a physical inventory, Supply Chain creates a download file. Supply Chain keeps the download file in case another user needs to download it; for example, to assist with the inventory. Supply Chain only deletes the download file when you do the final adjustment and complete the physical inventory process.

Figure 3 - The ProCount Item Screen

  1. To select the inventory that you wish to work with, press Menu in the lower right of the ProCount screen (Figure 3) and select Set Inventory Profile.
    A screen appears for selecting an in-progress physical inventory (Figure 4).
  2. Select an inventory profile.

Figure 4 - ProCount: Set Physical Inventory Screen

  1. Synchronize the hand-held computer again. This step downloads data for items in the physical inventory.
    When the synchronization is complete, press Close.

    ProCount displays the Main item view with the first item in the physical inventory (Figure 5).

Figure 5 - Item Information in a ProCount Physical Inventory

- Loc is the aisle/bin number for the item.
- Item is the Item No.
- The middle area, with no label, is the item description.
- Mfr is the manufacturer number for the item, followed by a slash and the manufacturer ID.
- Lowest, Issue, and Purchase are the different units of measure available for the item. You enter the count for the unit of measure in the field underneath; except, if an item's Mixed UOM Conversion field is set on the Item Inventory record, then a count can only be made in Lowest field on the hand-held

You can view the item records in list form.

Position to items on the hand-held computer

You can position to any item in the physical inventory on the hand-held computer using the methods below:

Assign a scanned barcode to an item

Enter item counts

Enter a count for each item's Lowest UOM, default Issue UOM, and/or default Purchase UOM.

Lot tracking

If the item uses lot tracking, *Lot Tracking on the bottom of the ProCount screen contains the initial *.
Press *Lot Tracking to enter the lot number, serial number and/or expiration date. The Lot Tracking screen appears (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - ProCount Lot Tracking Screen

Upload item counts

When you have finished counting each item and entering any quantity / lot tracking data, synchronize the hand-held computer again to upload the item quantities.

Tools on the ProCount Screen

Figure 7 is the ProCount Main screen. Several tools are on the bottom of the display.

Figure 7 - ProCount Main Screen Tools

Using the Applications Window Menu

Pressing Menu on the Applications Window provides access to the features: User Settings, Server Settings, Synchronization Log, Options, and Utilities (Figure 8).

Figure 8 - The Applications Window Menu

Figure 9 - The Server Settings Screen

Figure 10 - Sample ProCount Synchronization Log

Automatic Updates of Mobile Applications

When an update for a mobile application is released, the system automatically applies the update to your hand-held computer when you synchronize the hand-held for the first time after the release. The process is:

  1. After the new release is available, synchronize a hand-held computer as usual.
    The New Updates panel appears (Figure 11).

Figure 11 - The Mobile Application New Updates Panel

  1. Click OK in the top right of the New Updates panel to close it.