Using a Mobile Device for Quick Issues Version


This topic discusses:

Links to related topics:

  • Use Quick Issue
  • Use ProCount for a physical inventory - Mobile
  • Use ProCart to record par cart item counts - Mobile
  • Use ProTrack for confirming deliveries - Mobile
  • Use ProScan to assign barcodes - Mobile
  • Create requisitions using an order guide
  • Create requisitions manually
  • Search Online Doc
    Current Release Notes


    ProIssue is a hand-held computer application that lets you scan and issue items to departments. ProIssue does not use a reference list of items such as an order guide or par cart, however. As you scan and issue items, ProIssue creates its own database of issued items. When you synchronize the hand-held computer with Supply Chain, the database is uploaded as a requisition import. Materials Management processes ProIssue data to update inventory records.

    With ProIssue, you scan each item to be issued, entering the quantity and the department. When you are finished scanning items and entering the quantities, you synchronize the hand-held with Supply Chain. You can view the imported requisition information in Materials Management on the desktop PC running Supply Chain.

    For you to access any of Supply Chain's hand-held applications (such as ProIssue), a system administrator must install applications, configure the hand-held computer, and establish your user settings. Security settings include user Role and login/password.

    Using ProIssue

    1. Turn on the hand-held computer.
    2. Using the stylus, press Start in the upper left corner.
      The Start Menu appears.
    3. Click   Mobile on the menu. A login screen appears (Figure 1)

    Figure 1 - Mobile Application Login Screen

    1. Log in to the mobile application.

    2. The mobile Applications screen appears. (Figure 2)

    Figure 2 - The Mobile Applications Window

    1. Select ProIssue by pressing its icon with the stylus.
      The ProIssue Main Item screen appears. (Figure 3 displays the ProIssue Main Item screen. The first time you use ProIssue, fields on the screen are empty.)

    Figure 3 - The ProIssue Item Screen

    1. Connect to Supply Chain and download data to the hand-held computer .

    To enter item issue data:

    1. Scan the barcode on an item that you wish to issue.
    2. Figure 4 - Selecting an Asset Location on the ProIssue Item Screen

      If you use a blank value for Loc (Figure 4), ProIssue uses the department number (Dept) to derive the correct asset location.

    1. Enter the quantity (Qty) and the UOM.
      - Pressing the up arrow for Qty will let you enter negative numbers.
      - If you do not enter a UOM, the Default Issue UOM from the item record is used.
    2. Select the Charge Type. The options are: Regular (Figure 4), Credit and Charge Only (Figure 5).

    Figure 5 - Selecting Credit or Charge Only Charge Type

    Charge Type: Charge Only
    Select Charge Only if the item has already been sent to the department, and you only wish to record the item charge.
    (You cannot use Charge Only for credit lines. If the Qty is negative, and you accidentally select Charge Only, the quantity is changed to a positive number.)

    Charge Type: Credit
    Enter a positive value in the Qty field and select the Credit field (Figure 5, right). ProIssue builds a credit line in the requisition that is imported into Supply Chain. You can select the Credit field or the Charge Only field, but not both. If you try to create a Charge Only Credit issue, an error message appears.

    1. Enter the department receiving the item.
      - Next to Dept, write a department code in the entry box or use the keyboard to select characters.

      Note: Pressing the keyboard icon turns the on-screen keyboard on and off. When the keyboard is on, the up arrow next to the keyboard icon lets you select how you wish to input characters. You can use the keyboard, or use an input area for printing or writing.

    2. Scan the patient ID barcode, or enter a patient charge number in the field Pt. ID if you know it.
    3. Enter the Lot number and/or Serial No and Expiration Date, if needed.
    4. Press Add.
      ProIssue saves the item information, and displays a blank Item screen.
    5. To enter the next item that you wish to issue, scan the item.

    You can go forward and backward through the items you have scanned by pressing > or <.

    Figure 6 shows data for a scanned item credit. The Item number is A1000, the quantity (Qty) is 1 and the unit of measure (UOM) is EA. The department (Dept) getting the credit is 6100. The asset location (Loc) is blank, which signifies the default asset location. The lot number (Lot) for the item is 1234.

    Figure 6 - The ProIssue Item Screen with Data for a Credit

    Notice the ! following the Dept field. This mark indicates a field with "sticky" data: the entry in the field does not change.

    Clear the Item Screen

    To clear the Item screen, press Reset.

    Delete an Item

    To delete an item that you have added,

    If you are not currently viewing the item on the Main screen press List to open the List screen. The List screen opens (Figure 7).
    (Press Main to return to the Main item screen.)

    Items on the List screen appear in order of entry.
    The arrow in the left-most column indicates the current item.
    To move the arrow to another item, press the left-most column of the item row.

    Figure 7 - ProIssue Entries in List Form

    Or, if you are viewing the item on the Main item screen,

    Change Item Information for Added Items

    To change information for an item that you have added (for example, to change the quantity):

    The item information is changed and a blank screen appears so that you can scan a new item, if you wish.

    When you have finished scanning all of the items and entering issue information (department, quantity, etc.), you must again synchronize the hand-held computer with Supply Chain again to upload the item issue data. Follow the process described previously.

    Tools on the Item Screen

    Figure 8 is a diagram of the ProIssue Main item screen.

    Figure 8 - ProIssue Item Screen Tools

    Using the Applications Window Menu

    Pressing Menu on the Applications Window provides access to the features: User Settings, Server Settings, Synchronization Log, Options, and Utilities (Figure 9).

    Figure 9 - The Mobile Applications Window Menu

    Figure 10 - The Server Settings Screen

    Figure 11 - Sample ProIssue Synchronization Log

    Viewing Requisition Imports

    When you upload ProIssue information, Supply Chain creates imported requisitions from the data. Since the items have been issued, no pick list is created, however.

    You can view ProIssue's imported data from the Materials Management main Contents on the PC running Supply Chain.

    Viewing Patient Charge Number Imports

    When you upload issues of items that have associated Pt IDs (Patient Charge Numbers), Supply Chain creates patient charge imports.

    You can view the Patient Charge Imports on the PC running Supply Chain.

    Automatic Updates of Mobile Applications

    When an update for a mobile application is released, the system automatically applies the update to your hand-held computer when you synchronize the hand-held for the first time after the new release. The process is:

    1. After the new release is available, synchronize a hand-held computer as usual.
      The New Updates panel appears (Figure 12)

    Figure 12 - The Mobile Application New Updates Panel

    1. Click OK in the top right of the New Updates panel to close it.